Pabst Mansion

Word Search Puzzles

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German Proverbial sayings from the ceiling of Captain Pabst's Study

The coffered oak ceiling in Captain Pabst's Study is defined by beams with inset panels polychromed in various wood finishes.  The ceiling panels were executed by Louis Mayer, a Milwaukee artist who had studied and perfected the art of simulating wood finishes in Munich.  He was 21 years old when he completed this commission.

The lettering is German Fraktur, presenting German proverbs:
Lerne - Learn:  “A feeling heart suffers pain.”  (North)
Warte – Wait:  “Never soft, never loud what a friend has told you in confidence.”  (East)
Ehre - Honor:  “Never have I found anything more priceless than a quiet and true heart.”  (South)
Strebe – Strive:  “Bread eaten with thankfulness inspires a joyful heart.”  (West)

'My Dear Children' Letter

Captain Pabst wrote the below letter for his children to be read upon his death, offering the timeless advice of a loving father.

My dear Children!

I place these few lines in the Package containing my last Will and address them to you, instead of your dear Mother, for the Reason, that she & I have several times talked the Matter over and she fully understands my Wishes herein expressed.  You have all been good Children, and a great Comfort to me.  My happiest thoughts are connected with you in the hope and belief that after I shall be called away, you will, all of you strive to be kind and good to your Mother, and to each other.  I have the earnest and cherished desire, that you will, after I am gone, strive to preserve Harmony, and good will, and unselfish relations among yourselves.  Try to keep the estate I leave you together, so far as you can, and make it productive of not only, of increase and Substance, but let it be a cause for mutual confidence and affection.  Each of you should yield to the other more or less, if necessary to preserve harmony and union.

Sickness, Misfortune, perhaps something worse can come to someone of you, but my dear Children, face it bravely, and with hearts full of Love for each other, and do just, what you think, I would like to have you do, if I was present to advise and counsel you.

Be generous and unselfish to each other in Case of need and above all, be honest and noble, in all your dealings, not only with each other, but with the World.

I want you to always have a good Name.

It is better than riches, and your greatest happiness will come from your Knowledge of doing right.

You must first of all be good to your Mother.  Do all you can to make her last days her best days, and when she is gone, and you, and you are left without either father or Mother, try always to remember my last Wishes that you my dear Children shall live in harmony & mutual confidence, each doing all in his or her power to keep the estate productive of the best results, for the interest not of any one Child, but for all surviving Children.

I can not say more in this Letter, it is merely a last Word to you all, begging you to remember your Fathers last wish, that you each, and all, do all you can, to promote each others happiness & welfare through life, no Matter what changes may come, or how one may be favored, or another be frowned upon by the fortunes of the World.

Good bye my dear Children
Your loving Father.