Directions & Parking
The Pabst Mansion can be found at 20th Street and Wisconsin Avenue on the west side of the Marquette University Campus.
Please check in at the new Visitor Center & Gift Shop, located in The Marq building next door to the west of the Pabst Mansion, for admission.
From the South (Racine, Kenosha, Chicago)
Traveling north on I-94 towards Downtown Milwaukee cross the High Rise Bridge using the center lane and follow the 10th & Michigan Exit. At the second stop light take a left onto Wisconsin Avenue, proceed to 20th Street, and turn right into the Pabst Mansion’s driveway.
From the West (Madison)
Traveling east on I-94 towards Milwaukee exit 26th Street as you approach Downtown and continue through the lights to Wisconsin Avenue. Turn right on Wisconsin Avenue, proceed to 20th Street, and turn left around the median to enter the Pabst Mansion.
From the North (Green Bay, Sheboygan, Cedarburg)
Traveling south on I-43 to Downtown Milwaukee. Take the 11th & Highland Exit. Go straight on to Wisconsin Avenue and turn right. Proceed to 20th Street and turn right into the Pabst Mansion’s driveway.
From the North (Appleton, Oshkosh, West Bend)
Using Highway 45 to I-94. Stay in the left lane and at I-94 take the exit marked Milwaukee. Exit 26th Street as you approach Downtown and continue through the lights turning right onto Wisconsin Avenue. Proceed to 20th Street, and turn left around the median to enter the Pabst Mansion.